Social Due Diligence
The social review now forms a key part of the due diligence carried out prior to business acquisitions or disposals. It is also a powerful tool for preparation of the post-deal phase
An enhanced social review
META-LEGAL supports clients in their external growth or business resizing projects.
The META-LEGAL approach to social reviews combines the rigorous methodology of the big audit firms, the technical expertise of specialists, and the dedication of a firm close to its clients.
Our first commitment, for each of our assignments, is to provide a pragmatic and usable due diligence report (qualification, degree of occurrence and figures relating to risks and employee-related liabilities).
Our second commitment is to seek to understand all aspects of the transaction in order to be able to provide advice and recommendations throughout our work and contribute to the success of the corporate project.
From the pre-deal phase to the post-deal phase
META-LEGAL draws up the social audit reports necessary for evaluation and negotiation purposes.
We also regularly intervene to review or draft specific clauses in agreements and to help resolve specific situations (negotiations with former executives regarding aspects of labor law or social security protection).
After completion of the transaction, META-LEGAL provides an innovative service to optimize the anticipated effects of the transaction. To do this, we use a proven process involving co-construction and the implementation of an HR roadmap for the first one hundred days.
Comprehensive support
This comprehensive approach to business acquisition and disposal transactions is possible thanks to our expertise in social due diligence and our independence, which guarantees a low risk of conflicts of interest.
Based on this high level of expertise, META-LEGAL has also developed a special service for operations to take over sites and staff in certain specific industries.
Whatever the nature of the transaction, the aim of our approach is always to contribute to the project’s success, by guaranteeing an accurate assessment of its social implications and by optimizing the HR and labor law processes for integrating the employees.