Employees Savings and Pay Policy
Employee savings agreements, mandatory bargaining, and pay policies are key topics for attracting new talent, employee engagement levels, and labor relations
An employee savings policy to further the corporate project
META-LEGAL helps clients to analyze and update their employee savings policy.
The existing mechanisms offer a number of practical applications. They constitute effective tools for achieving collective performance objectives, and are subject to more favorable tax and social security treatment than salaries.
Given the competition between companies to attract and retain talent, these mechanisms offer a real competitive advantage from an employee’s point of view.

When implementing a corporate project or a major industrial change, a collective performance-related bonus can enable the company to measure with a fair degree of accuracy the precise contribution of each department to the success of the project.

Implementation of a comprehensive pay policy
META-LEGAL helps to ascertain the operational objectives and formalize them from a legal point of view, in compliance with the rules governing employee savings schemes.
As these mechanisms concern all employees, META-LEGAL works with its clients to prepare fun and informative presentation materials for the employees.
These materials help to enhance companies’ communications about their pay policy, while ensuring full compliance with the associated legal requirements.
META-LEGAL also helps European and international groups to adapt their pay policies to specific requirements in France.

Mandatory bargaining and variable pay schemes
Whatever the area of its support (mandatory bargaining, variable pay policy, etc.), META-LEGAL applies an approach combining technical expertise and pragmatism.
Hence, our clients regularly seek our help with projects for the replanning of bonus or variable pay schemes, harmonization of pay policies following mergers, or transfers of staff, etc.
Lastly, because of our close involvement in pay policies, clients also seek our opinion on issues regarding differences in compensation raised by employees or their representatives.